The Exprance Blog

For Small Businesses

Ad Campaign Duration: How Long Does Advertising Take To Work?

Ad Campaign Duration: How Long Does Advertising Take To Work?

There several factors that determine an optimal ad campaign duration. Achieve a better understanding of how long your advertising campaigns should take to work. Not all campaigns work so it’s a matter of understanding if or when to stop.

9 Must-Have Free WordPress Plugins

Free WordPress Plugins

Every time I install a fresh copy of WordPress I start with a clean slate. The installation is fast, clean, and so much less cluttered before you install a bunch of plugins. Unfortunately it’s not possible to leave WordPress raw. Most necessary functionality comes from the amazing plugin ecosystem that WordPress offers over other website platforms, … Read more

The Perfect Social Media Post Infographic

The perfect social media post: the perfect combination of length, links, and hashtags.

This infographic makes it easy for you to form the perfect social media post for your small business. It will help you post the right content at the right length and using (or not using) the right number of hashtags.

Chatbot, Anyone? Four User Experience Tips for Designing Your Best One

Chatbot, Anyone? Four User Experience Tips for Designing Your Best One

Customer service is more critical today than it has ever been. In the digital age, “experience” is the thing that your clients prize more than anything else. Customers frequently say that they would happily pay more for a better experience. Already, countless companies have begun to work on this demand for better interactions by designing … Read more

Create Your Own Website as a Service With WordPress at Sacramento WordCamp

WaaS Website as a Service WordPress Multisite Sacramento WordCamp 2019

In less than a week, I’ll be in front of a crowd of WordPress enthusiast at WordCamp Sacramento 2019. I am a mix of more excited than I’ve been in a long time (or ever) with a touch of nervousness about speaking in front of a room full of people. I’ve fended off much of … Read more

The Rise and Explosion Fitness E-commerce Market

The Rise and Explosion Fitness E-commerce Market

Learn how digital marketing has helped the fitness eCommerce market explode in the past few years. You’ll learn how the market has exploded and continue to grow.

3 Things Your Small Business Needs to Grow a Loyal Customer Base

Two People Shaking Hands

These 3 things will help you create a loyal customer base and grow your small business. Tech upgrades, a marketing strategy, and good communication are all essential parts to growing a small business.

How To Keep WordPress Secure Like A Fortress

Secure Your WordPress Website

Securing your WordPress website is the most important part of having a WordPress website. It not only will keep your customer data secure but it’ll keep your website from being hacked and used for malicious purposes. Having a secure WordPress from the start is the best way to stop attacks.

Use Nextdoor Offers To Promote Your Business Offer On Nextdoor

Use Nextdoor Offers To Promote Your Business Offers On Nextdoor

Learn all about Nextdoor Offers and how you can use them to promote your business on Nextdoor. You’ll understand the details of offers and how you can post the best deal possible to get a response from your neighbors.

The 5-Minute Guide to Google Responsive Ads

Responsive Search Ads

Learn about Google Responsive Ads in this short 5-minute guide. You’ll learn what they’re all about, how to use them, and how you can get started with Google Responsive Ads.

Are Ad Brokers The Answer For Small Advertisers On Nextdoor?

Are Nextdoor Ad Brokers Worth It?

Advertising on Nextdoor up to this point is only for companies with huge $5,000 per month ad budgets. Ad brokers have stepped in and promise to combine your budget with others to successfully get you into advertising on Nextdoor. Make sure you read this before handing out any hard earned money.

How To Turn Detractors Into Disciples

How To Turn Detractors Into Disciples

Every business needs to work on turning detractors into disciples. Customers aren’t always simply not happy, they may just not be wowed. It’s always worth the effort to take it a bit further and deliver the wow in your business.

The New Feature You Need To Use For Managing Yelp Ads

The New Feature You Need To Use For Managing Yelp Ads

Yelp has a new tool for advertisers that makes managing Yelp ads a lot better. It not only makes it easier, it makes your ads more effective. If you aren’t actively monitoring and managing your Yelp ads at least weekly, you’re wasting a lot of money.

Does “Good, Fast, Cheap” Pan Out In The Real World?


Good, fast, cheap, you can only choose two. Unfortunately, they just don’t pan out in reality because two of the three scenarios don’t end well for anybody. Cheap never pairs well with good and you never want the results of fast and cheap.

How to Protect Your Digital Content from Being Stolen

How to Protect Your Digital Content from Being Stolen

Thieves are out there and they will copy your content for their own benefit. These tips will help minimize theft and protect you in the case your content is copied. Sometimes letting the theft happen isn’t a big deal either, it could benefit you.

Write The Perfect Job Description and Attract The Right Talent

Write The Perfect Job Description and Attract The Right Talent

Looking for the right candidate to fill a position in your company can be a daunting task, especially if you are starting from scratch. There are many job applicants in the market, but which of them is the right fit for you?

10 Copywriting Strategies Every Entrepreneur Needs To Know

10 Copywriting Strategies Every Entrepreneur Needs To Know

If you’re an entrepreneur then these 10 copywriting strategies will help you write better copy. They’ll have you connecting with your audience better, building trust easier, and selling your product. A lot of your brand message comes down to your copy. This post will help fine-tune your copywriting ability.

Business Websites Still Matter For New & Returning Customers

Business Websites Still Matter For New & Returning Customers

Business websites still matter if they’re for the right reason. A website without the right purpose can be a waste of time and money. That’s why DIY websites sound like a good idea but can be a drain on your resources.

How To Promote Your Business On Nextdoor With Events

How To Promote Your Business On Nextdoor With Events

There are limited options for promoting a business on Nextdoor. Only some types of businesses can advertise on Nextdoor. If you’re creative there are some ways to promote your business on Nextdoor. They involve events but you must use them in a very specific way.

Sometimes You Have To Make A Business Strategy Pivot

Sometimes You Have To Do The Business Strategy Pivot

What has worked in the past may not work in the future. That’s why it’s always important to analyze your strategy and when necessary do the business strategy pivot. Shift resources towards what’s working the best even if it means taking some resources away from a strategy that is working okay.

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