The Exprance Blog

For Small Businesses

Organic vs Paid Marketing: Where to Invest

Organic vs Paid Marketing: Where you should invest your money.

There are few well-defined black or white answers in life. There are many grey areas that aren’t easy to define. Then there are those instances where there are several variables. Organic vs paid marketing is one of those things in life that relies on variables. Depending on the stage your business is in, you’ll probably approach marketing differently. Your marketing also […]

Become a Search Pro And Grow Your Business With This One Tip

Become a Search Pro And Grow Your Business With This One Tip

Many tasks you’ll need to do for your business online requires you to become a search pro. Not only does search help you learn more about your industry, it lets you find competitors and customers. More important than simply searching for information, though, is to search for it intelligently using the tools you have available. There’s one […]

When To Create A Landing Page vs Web Page

When To Create a Landing Page vs Web Page overlayed over landing runway

Knowing when to create a landing page or a web page sounds complex, but it will be more clear after reading this post. When trying to decide landing page vs web page, understanding the basics of each can go a long way. The goal of a landing page isn’t the same as a web page even […]

Why People Visit Your Business Online

Why People Visit Your Business Online with city street and people shopping in background

Times have changed since the days of finding a company in the yellow pages, on bulletin boards, and in-person referals. It was both easier and more difficult to find a good company. Doing business online has changed things, though. Understanding why people visit your business online is an important step towards setting goals. Before you spend time putting […]

The Blogging Mistake Your Business Can’t Afford

The one blogging mistake your business can't afford over coffee spilled on pile of papers.

There’s a lot to think about when blogging. One of the most difficult things to think of when starting or writing your blog is what to write about. The top business blogging mistake stems from not knowing what to write about on your business blog. Because blogging takes a lot of your time, making this mistake […]

Ideal Blog Post Length: Your Mileage May Vary

The Ideal Blog Post Length with stack of papers with writing on them in background.

Last week I wrote about why you must have a business blog. Keeping with that theme, I want to make it clear what the ideal blog post length is for your posts. There’s many different answers out there and it can have an effect on how your blog posts do in search engines and on social media. […]

Why You Must Have a Business Blog

Why you must have a business blog over man writing on notepad

Exposing customers to your business builds brand recognition and trust. The more you put your business out there the more likely it is to be seen. Similarly, the more you blog, the more likely customers are to see your business. A business blog is a great way to build brand recognition and trust with customers. The […]

Grow Your Business: Online Brand Design With Content Marketing

Chess pieces in the background with text overlay

Building a reputable brand online takes time and perseverance. With an effective content marketing strategy, it can be less painful, though. A good online brand design must take into account content marketing. Designing an online brand takes into account many factors. Some of those factors are social media presence, search engine optimization, and your website. Possibly the […]

Help Local Customers Find Your Local Business

City small business storefront local business, local customers.

Local businesses also rely on the internet for driving customers locally. Make sure your small business is set up to be present to local customers when they’re searching for you. Without being present for local customers, you’re likely to be overlooking in an increasingly digital world.

Proper Email List Etiquette (Don’t Spam People)

Door with mail hole that says no junk mail. Email List Etiquette puts you in a better position.

Sending an email that’s seen as spam could have a cost for your business. Learning proper email list etiquette is easy and your business will look good for practicing it. Every day billions of emails are sent all over the globe. Most of those emails are spam. If you aren’t careful and learn the basics of email etiquette, […]

Why I Do What I Do

Why I Do What I Do: Making Business Goals and Meeting Business Goals

Every business needs a why behind it. Why it was started, why it’s still here, and why it should exist 10 years from now. I wanted to share the why and more behind my business. Exprance started out after I built a course to help people build their personal brand website, portfolio, and blog. I created this website […]

SEO Purpose: Does It Really Have One?

SEO Purpose: Does it Really Have One?

Getting traffic to your website is a laborious task. It seems like everywhere you look another company is trying to tighten their grips on organic traffic to your website. SEO is often at odds with search engines but it can work together with them also. The purpose of SEO should really be about aligning your goals with […]

What To Look For In A Good Web Designer Before You Hire Them

Get a simple list of questions you can ask someone before you hire them to design your business website. You don’t want someone who is only a designer but you also don’t want someone who’s not up to speed on design. There’s a balance and these questions will help you get the best person for the job.

Master The Start Of Your Small Business Blog

Woman typing on a laptop with text overlay: How to start a small business blog.

You realize how important a small business blog is to your success online. Isn’t that why you’re here? Content is king when it comes to the Internet and getting people to care about how your business can help them. If you don’t have something awesome, unique, and helpful, your small business website will be limited […]

Build Lasting Client Relationships: Make Friends Not Sales

Build Lasting Client Relationships: Make Friends Not Sales. Picture: Business man in suit with jacket off fixing his bicycle tire.

Think of a company you love doing business with. One that you’re passionate about and going to them is a no-brainer. You know, the one who, even if the competition is cheaper, you won’t ever jump ship. That’s the company you want to look towards to learn how to build lasting client relationships. For me one of […]

4 Blogging Tips For Beginners To Make A Successful Blog

4 blogging tips for beginners overlaid over man writing on a notepad with laptop in the background.

Getting started with anything is usually an overwhelming process. Have you ever felt overwhelmed at first when you started learning something new? Blogging is no different. These 4 blogging tips for beginners are meant to help you feel a bit less overwhelmed. There’s a learning process that goes into blogging that takes time and patience. Don’t […]

Website vs Mobile App: What Should Be Your Focus?

Website vs Mobile App: Where should you spend your money? Laptop sitting on a table with graph paper also.

It’s impossible to miss news that mobile devices are taking over traditional computers in both sales and usage. Everywhere you look there’s news about smartphone and mobile apps rapidly on the rise. The rise isn’t just on mobile apps though, which is why the question remains, website vs mobile app? It’s easy to see the […]

Growing Your Business With Online Brand Design

Learn to Grow Your Business Online

Your business should be online because that’s where a lot of your customers are. Online brand design will help you create an online presence that reaches your customer and helps grow your small business.

Smartphone Marketing: 11 Free Apps That Will Help You

Hand holding an iPhone using Instagram with text overlay: 11 free app to help you do smartphone marketing better.

Last updated July 29, 2018 with updates to the YouTube app. The world is on the go. Nobody stays still to listen to your message very long. Your best chance is to make your message concise and make it interesting. It has to capture attention within seconds. Luckily there are tons of smartphone marketing tools […]

Budget Marketing Online How To For Business Growth

Learn how to use budget marketing methods online to achieve business growth.

Doing anything on a budget is no fun (but always necessary) and budget marketing is no different. To make things a bit more interesting, I’m going to talk about a few things that will help you do some marketing on no budget. Some ideas I mention assume you do have some basic framework in place […]

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