Write The Perfect Job Description and Attract The Right Talent

Written by Jade Anderson | Comments Off on Write The Perfect Job Description and Attract The Right Talent | 4 min read

Today’s post is from our guest, Jade Anderson. You can learn more about Jade in her author profile below the article.

Looking for the right candidate to fill a position in your company can be a daunting task, especially if you are starting from scratch. There are many job applicants in the market, but which of them is the right fit for you?

Sometimes just qualifications aren’t the only basis on which these decisions are made. Knowing that the employee will fit into your work culture and believe in your company is necessary. It’s is vital to write job descriptions that put forward just what you want in the candidate and help you search for the perfect job candidate.

Here are a few simple and effective tips to help you with your next job posting in finding the right candidate for the job.

1) Don’t make the description too long

No one likes to read long descriptions and most of the time people just skim through the content. It is important to keep the job posting short and concise so that it has all the necessary information and nothing more.

According to research, an ideal post should be anywhere between 400 words to 800 words. It should also have 3 to 5 essential responsibilities or competencies for that job, as well as the basic requirements such as education and work experience.

2) Make it lively

You need to entice your desired candidate into choosing you over your competitors, which is why you need to make the job posting dynamic and different. Use graphics such as company logo and bullet points to break up the content.

Keep the tone fun instead of sounding serious and monotone. Try to keep the posting as clean as possible instead of cluttering it unnecessarily.

3) Make an impression from the get-go

Catch the attention of your potential candidate from the very beginning of the post so that they are interested in what you have to say. Using targeted statements or questions can be a good start to capture their attention and get them thinking.

Your job description must catch an applicants attention from the beginning. Use targeted statements or questions to capture their interest. Share on X

For instance, “Are you interested in saving the world while working for an open and dynamic company?” Use something that helps set you apart from other businesses and will help be the main point in the candidate you choose.

4) Keep it light and simple

No one is interested in reading a post written like a robot that has no personality. Mix in a sense of conversation and personality into your job post to show the company’s tone and environment.

Let the reader know that joining your business means a healthy work environment and along with great company benefits.

5) Keep the application process simple and easy

Having an elaborate application process deters people from applying. This, in turn, means you’ll miss out on some perfect candidates.

Avoid using long forms to fill or websites that require you to sign up just to apply. Instead, keep the application process simple and write it in 4 to 5 bullet points to clearly explain what is to be done next if the candidate is thinking of applying for the job with your company. Try not to make the instructions too confusing, keep it straightforward.

6) Learn to differentiate between what is preferred and what is required

Certain traits or qualifications are absolutely required for a candidate to apply while some are simply preferred. Keep this in mind when listing out what you need from the candidate who is applying. You don’t need to list out every single point but make sure to write down the absolutely necessary ones without which the company cannot do. These include qualities such as years of experience, or knowledge of a certain skill.

Attract The Right Candidates

Writing the right job posting can take some practice and skill, and a lot of revisions! Job posters for companies need to make sure they understand exactly what kind of candidates they are looking for to help them reach the right people online for their business. People looking for jobs appreciate this and find it easy to apply to companies that understand their needs.

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