Start with these two strategies to decrease the blog post bounce rate on your website. You’ll provide better content for visitors and some side benefits for you. You’ll get a decreased bounce rate plus valuable leads you probably weren’t getting before.
Your website needs in-depth helpful blog posts because it will bring meaningful traffic to your website. This post shows the importance of in-depth blog posts that answer an important question your ideal customer has. You’ll also find some easy ways to research what questions people are asking.
Entertainment marketing is blurring the lines of video. People no longer watch video on a TV with regular advertising breaks. Video is consumed on multiple devices from different sources in a very different way from the past. Read this to understand video better and how these changes can make it easier for you to reach specific audiences.
There’s opportunity in video content to expand your small business online presence. It has to be the right type of content, though. Small business video content has to make people want to watch and keep them watching. That means entertaining them or educating them on something.
This post will help you set up your small business YouTube channel. YouTube will give your small business access to thousands of consumers you attract with great video content. With a well set up YouTube channel, you’ll have a great online presence that will help reach potential customers and bring them into your small business as a new lead.
Thinking of good blog post ideas is only part of the puzzle. There needs to be good ideas that are also something that help draw in your audience. There are plenty of sources you can use to gather good and useful blog post ideas.
A small business website is useful if you want to always do all the work to drive visitors to it. There is a better way, though. Learn some of the basic techniques to create a useful small business website that does more than provide information. Drive visitors to you and capture those visitors as leads to become customers.
The future of search engine optimization is moving away from being all about search engines to being more for the people they serve. This post covers the changes that will happen and how it will benefit your small business by moving away from the old ways.
Make sure you’re protecting your small business from financial ruin. Steering clear of copyrighted material will protect you from copyright infringement. Copyright infringement can cost your business a lot of money and easily put you and your business in financial ruin.
Before moving forward with a website welcome mat for your small business website, it’s important to understand the pluses and minuses. There’s a lot of risks and benefits involved that you need to fully understand and test before moving forward.
The one thing you need for successful small business marketing online is always help. Being successful at marketing your business online relies on your willingness to help others accomplish their goals. Now is a good time to learn what you can do to market your small business online.
Blogging is an amazing way to increase your skills in your industry while showing others you’re the expert. There are many blogging tools that allow you to do that easier and more efficient. Hopefully, your small business has a blog, if not it’s time to evaluate if it’s a good decision for you. If you don’t have a […]