My Advice On Starting a New Business

Written by Nick Leffler | Comments Off on My Advice On Starting a New Business | 3 min read

I’ve always had a passion for starting new businesses and learning new things.

While I’ve never built anything into a multi-million dollar business, I have been proud of what I’ve created and accomplished over the years. I’ve been able to support myself through school and have always done business on the side while working a regular daytime job.

I’ve built many small businesses throughout the years beginning with my first official business in 2001 (but I’ve been making entrepreneurial efforts since before the dot-com bubble, think of Facebook but not as good), a computer repair business. It’s been a fun journey and an experience combining full-time employment with a side business. It’s also taken a lot of hustle.

I’ve learned a lot on my journey and I’m tieing a lot of it together in this blog and the services I provide. This post is about my single most important advice if you’re starting a new business.

My Advice

Find your passion first but be prepared for a long ride.

Starting your business won’t be quick. Unless you have deep pockets and a lot of time to lose money, it’s going to go slow. That doesn’t matter though as long as you’re doing it because of your passion.

When starting a business, find your passion first but be prepared for a long ride. Share on X

It takes a lot of time and hustle to start a new business. That time and hustle can increase on a limited budget. That’s why it’s important to find something you’re passionate about before you even think about starting a business. Preferably in your free time, you’re already doing what your business will end up being so it won’t be new.

Leveling Expectations

Expect to do a whole lot of what you love. At the same time expect to do a whole lot of what you don’t necessary love, but they’re part of building a business. If you aren’t dividing the labor between partners, there will be a steep learning curve for some of the business roles you have to take on. You will probably have to learn a few things about sales, marketing, graphic designer, etc.

It’s fun learning about all these other things but it can be a lot on top of already starting a new business. In the end, it is worth it though and it will help grow your skills.

It takes a while to grow a new business if you’re starting from nothing. Don’t expect anything to happen instantly, but at the same time set some goals to help move things along. Stick with your idea and go into it for the long run. It takes a lot of time to build a steady stream of customers coming from different places.

My businesses have never kept a steady path and that’s usually because of shifting markets. The products people use and the way they use them change over time so it’s important to be flexible.

In the end, it’s important to stay positive and know that eventually you’ll find success, but first, you must find the passion.

Your Advice

I’d love to also hear your advice for starting a new business. Please leave your advice in the comment section and I look forward to hearing from you.

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